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Cityscape of Florence

Historical Tours

Historical tours can be customized for almost any history teacher. Bring your curriculum to life for your students by giving them a first-hand view of locations, monuments, memorials, art, architecture, and more!

Ancient Containers

Created in the past but preserved for your future

Whether it’s in the US or on an international tour, remnants of the past are all around us. If you want to give your students an immersive experience that will stay with them for a lifetime, then get in touch today!

Old City
Permanent Collection

How it works

You can sign up and pay online. There will be a knowledgeable and responsible group leader that travels with the group to answer questions, make tour adjustments, and handle all tour documents.


Founding America


East Coast Tour

Germany, Austria, Poland

East Coast Colonial

Dday Tour

DC, Virginia, W. Virginia, Pennsylvania


      Underground Railroad

Art History

Ohio, Canada

Pick your favorite time period, theme, or location

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