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Family Movie Night

Event Overview: Host a Family Movie Night at school to bring the community together and raise funds for the student trip. Sell candy and water, and suggest an optional donation for the entrance fee.



  • Location: Reserve the school gym or auditorium for the movie screening.

  • Equipment: Arrange for a projector, screen, and sound system.

  • Movie Selection: Choose a family-friendly movie that appeals to all ages.


  • Items for Sale: Sell candy, popcorn, and water.

  • Pricing: Set affordable prices to encourage sales (e.g., $1 per item).

  • Volunteers: Recruit student and parent volunteers to run the concession stand.

Entrance Fee:

  • Donations: Suggest an optional donation for entry (e.g., $5 per family).

  • Promotion: Make it clear that donations are appreciated but not required.


  • Flyers and Posters: Advertise the event around the school and community.

  • School Communication: Announce the movie night in the school newsletter and on the website.

  • Social Media: Create an event on social media and encourage families to share it.

  • Benefits:

  • Community Building: Brings families together for a fun evening.

  • Engagement: Involves students in organizing and running the event.

  • Fundraising: Raises money through concessions and donations.

By offering a babysitting service during parent-teacher conferences and hosting a Family Movie Night, you can provide valuable services and enjoyable experiences for the community while raising funds for your student trip. Happy fundraising!

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