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Preparing for Safe Travel

Having been in this industry for over 20 years, we know that it’s impossible to predict all events that could happen during travel. From ash clouds to hurricanes, to union strikes, there is just no way to see the future.

We express to our group leaders that the most effective way to deal with any unforeseen travel delay or speedbump is to remain calm. By doing this you can make logical and smart decisions for yourself and your group. Becoming agitated or panicked only puts you in an escalated emotional state that could prompt decisions that may add additional stress or financial burden on the group.

Whether you are planning a trip for your students, or are a tour operator organizing a trip for a group of clients, there are specific steps you can take to ensure your group is aware and can prepare for any potential speedbumps during travel. We at Hummingbird, have compiled some of these steps to share to make sure you are aware of any potential travel delays, health, or safety concerns.

Not only do we take the initial steps of researching the potential areas of travel, but we constantly check these trusted sites and apps for any breaking news and updates as we continue organizing the tour and while the group is traveling.

Now, for some of our tricks to planning a safe travel experience:

Before any travel arrangements are made, we look into the State Department’s Website to see if there are any immediate travel restrictions or travel warnings for the areas our client wants to visit. We also sign up to get regular news updates about any global outbreaks and verify the location and risks these outbreaks may have to your travelers. The Center for Disease Control also has an app you can install on your phone if you prefer to get the news right from the source.

When planning a tour, we also check the destination's state department websites or The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for any other updates, upcoming holidays, or union strikes. It’s important to check more frequently as the departure date approaches, so you and your group can plan accordingly. Things seem to change pretty fast these days, so again… try to remain calm if things shift drastically from your original plan.

As we are finalizing reservations, we ask detailed questions to our vendors. We need to understand all safety and health protocols for each vendor at each location. This is especially true post-pandemic as so many restaurants and museums may have gone out of business, or have reduced hours.

When you book an international tour or homestay with Hummingbird Student Tours, every traveler is registered through the Safe Traveler Enrollment Program. Travelers can download the Smart Traveler App on their mobile devices to get updates while on the go.

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